Wednesday 21 November 2012


Tetley tea is the exclusive sponsor of family movies’ on Channel 5 on Sunday afternoons. The idents, entitled “Make time together for the family movie”, are shown before the film starts and in between ad breaks. They show members of different families watching a film with brew, with each one having a movie based humorous aspect. 

A coherent link in for Tetley, will be interesting to see how roll it out across the planned print and online channels. 
Amy Holdsworth, marketing manager at Tetley, said: “Tetley knows a good cup of tea helps bring people closer, and we’re proud to support the perfect opportunity for families to spend time together.” According to Greg Fuller, business director at MediaVest, “research showed Sunday afternoons were one of the very few occasions that the family could get together and enjoy each other’s company, and we wanted Tetley to be at the heart of those special living room family moments.” 

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